Monday, 4 March 2013

Dress Shirts For Short Stature Men

It has been rightly said that when style is used properly, it can really make a significant difference in appearance. There are many examples on the internet where men have posted their before and after pictures, in which you can easily find the difference in personality appearance. Another thing that you should always remember that appearance matters a lot in life especially in professional. Men have to work and earn bread for their family and make their future safe. In order to do that they have to climb the corporate ladder in which heavy competition is waiting ahead. Men have to make themselves fully prepared to compete the clusters. This has to be done both mentally and physically. Mentally men would need to enhance their knowledge and skills for the required task, while they also have to make themselves look professional and attractive to be admired by everyone.

However, the men with short stature face real difficulties in making themselves attractive, because of shortness of their height. I can really feel the inner feeling of short heighted men as I am one of them. However, there is no need to worry about or there is nothing wrong with you. You only need to know that dressing is done according to the height of men. Not only height but built such as shape of face, etc. In order to dress perfectly you would need to alter your dressing habits.

Always try to remain away from T-shirts, because they are quite unprofessional and give men a clumsy look. Besides, you will never see t-shirts in vertical stripes and you do need vertical stripes to make yourself look taller. Therefore, Custom dress shirts are your only option. Get dress shirts in vertical stripes and you will definitely feel yourself float up.

Another important thing to make yourself look taller is the choice of right kind of collar. The general rule for opting collar is go for opposite of your face shape. If you have round shaped face then go for narrow point collar and if your face shape is thin then go for spread collar. But here our situation is rather different as, we are concerned about your height. Wider collars widen your frame while narrower ones make it look longer. You need to make things look longer, so definitely you choice is narrow point collars. But if you are keeping the first button unbuttoned then even narrow point collar will make your frame wider. A always we still have a solution, go for mandarin collared custom dress shirt. Mandarin collars are missing the pointy edges that most dress shirt has so unbuttoning the first button at the top will not make your frame look wider.